Tuesday, July 10, 2012

May You Never Thirst, Part 5: The Most Interesting Man in the World

This is the last post in the "May You Never Thirst" series.  A new series will be starting soon.  Make sure, after you read this post, to scroll down to the bottom of the page for the new giveaway rules and regulations.  We've got some really cool prizes this month.

If you do not know who "The Most Interesting Man in the World" is, then please watch the following video.  Be warned: by the end of it, you'll want to buy a case of Dos Equis Beer.

When I first saw these commercials, I became instantly fascinated by the main character.  He's who all the men want to be and all the women want to date.  He's real enough that his character seems plausible to our sensibilities, but he's fantastic enough that we all want to meet him and be close to him.  I suppose it's that magnetic personality that keeps him from owning credit cards.   He's daring, debonair, blunt, gentlemanly, cosmopolitan, ruthless but oddly compassionate.  He's like sand paper: he has both a rough and a refined side.  He's also very much like Ernest Hemingway's public life, minus the alcoholism and complexes.

What is it about older men like "The Most Interesting Man in the World" character or Sean Connery that attracts us to them?  For some people it's a biological sexual attraction.  Females of many species are biologically hardwired to want a mate that is older than them and more experienced.  I think it has to do with survival and finding that perfect balance of a mate that's old enough to have experience and resources for support and survival but not so old that they can't mate or do the work required for survival. People of both sexes and all persuasions like to associate with physically attractive people.  It's one of those brain chemistry/evolution/science things that make us all appear shallow.  
Psychologically, people of all sexual persuasions are attracted to this type of man because of the perceived experiences that they've had and the supposed wisdom that has been acquired from these experiences.  This leads into the sage archetype.  Many folks, Pagans include, mistakenly think that the sage represents dried decrepit old men that can barely move around and are certainly not sexually attractive.  This is not true!  Sages are still virile (and often know a lot more tricks than the youths or the father types) and they can still actively procreate, which is something they have over the crones.  Oh, quit your booing, crone fuckers!  We all know why old women are best according to Benjamin Franklin, but even he admitted that they didn't swell, and the ability to swell and make others swell is a quality that most cultures still value.
"The Most Interesting Man in the World" character is a nice face for the sage.  He's like a modern Odin with both eyes intact.

If you listened to the commercials where "The Most Interesting Man in the World" dispensed advice, although he sounds flippant, most of his advice is sound.  You really shouldn't trust a woman who is only around when you're winning.  Perhaps, in a divinely comical way, these commercials are a modern oracle for the sage to dispense his wisdom to the masses.  Obviously, I don't think the AllFather or any other God-Sage wants us to run out and buy Dos Equis beer, but the modern oracle concept is something to think about.  Oracles and other deity mouth pieces are technological items, so it only makes sense that they would change and evolve as the other technologies around them did.  Just something to think about.

These folks don't always make love to sages, but when they do, they prefer The Most Interesting Man in the World!
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Erotic Sensations http://eroticsensations.us/